How to Extract a Streets Centerline Map.


For different tech support reasons, we periodically will need to recreate your maps here at Pd’ Programming.


These steps will walk you through creating a streets centerline file which will create your map for us.


  1. Open ArcView and the view you need us to look at for you. 
  2. Make sure your streets base map theme is selected.
  3. Select View / Full Extent
  4. Select Theme / Clear Selected Features
  5. Select Theme / Convert to Shapefile
  6. Save this file (i.e. “c:tempcity” )
  7. When it asks “Add shapefile as theme to the view?” Select “no”.
  8. Email us all the files generated with the same prefix when you saved the shapefile (ie: city.shp, city.shx, city.dbf; and any others like city.sbn, city.sbx, etc.)

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