Failed to load data entry definition error


Users upgrading their configuration may receive the error EcmRA_Base: RALoadDEDefinition EcmRA_Analysis: Failed to load data entry definition PSRattr (Name of data entry definition)


Clients upgrading their data entry configuration may receive the error <except class=”EpdException”>EcmRA_Base: RALoadDEDefinition EcmRA_Analysis: Failed to load data entry definition PSRattr (Name) </except> . The error also displays the name of the data entry definition that Crash Magic is looking for. The problem comes from the fact the user has been assigned a data entry definition. An upgrade to the configuration means that the user login cannot locate the previous data entry definition. Unfortunately the user cannot login to data entry to change the definition.


The resolution to this problem is determine the data entry definition that Crash Magic is trying to load. Then copy the current data entry definition. Rename the definition to the name Crash Magic is trying to load. Then have the user login and select the correct definition. Once this is done the copied definition can be moved to a temporary user and deleted when user confirm the correction.

Here is how to determine the name of the data entry definition that Crash Magic is trying to load:

  1. Examine the error message that is provided. Here is an example error message: <except class=”EpdException”>EcmRA_Base: RALoadDEDefinition EcmRA_Analysis: Failed to load data entry definition PSRattr Default (1) (2) </except>. In this example “Default (1) (2)” is the name of the data entry definition that Crash Magic is looking for.

The next section shows how to copy the current data entry definition to the user.

  1. Log into Crash Magic as a group admin
  2. Click on the + sign next to the .shared user under your user group
  3. Click on the + sign next to dataentrydefintion
  4. Click on data entry definition(Most clients will see this as Default)
  5. While on the blue summary tab of the data entry screen click on the copy button

Paste the data entry definition to make a copy and rename the data entry.

  1. While still logged in under group admin with the data entry definition in the Crash Magic clip board click on the paste button to create a copy of the data entry definition
  2. While on the copy of the data entry definition click on the green settings tab
  3. Change the name field to the name provided in the error(“Default (1) (2)” is the name used in our example, but yours may be different)
  4. Log out of Crash Magic to save the changes

Now that Crash Magic can find the data entry definition users will be able to change login and change their definition.

  1. User having problems should download the data entry application from Crash Magic and log in
  2. Once logged into the data entry application they should click on the settings button near the bottom right corner of the window
  3. Have the users select a different data entry definition(In our example “Default (1) (2) should be changed to Default)
  4. Click the OK button
  5. Users can now log out

Once all of the users have completed the changes move the copy to a temporary user.

  1. Log into Crash Magic as a group admin
  2. Click on the user group name that you have logged into
  3. Click on the create user button to create a temporary user(This is the person icon that appears near the upper left corner once the user group is selected. The default name is “User”)
  4. Click on the + sign next to the .shared user under your user group
  5. Click on the + sign next to the copy of the data entry definition(In our example the name is “Default (1) (2)”)
  6. Click the drop down menu at the bottom of the page and select “User” that was just created.

Confirm with the Crash Magic data entry users that they are able to log in, and then delete user to clean up your admin group. If clients are still having problems logging in this task must not be done.

  1. Confirm that all data entry users no longer have a problem logging into Crash Magic data entry(Do not proceed until all data entry user can log in)
  2. Log into Crash Magic as a group admin
  3. Click on the “User” created from the previous task
  4. Click on the red x button to delete the user


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