Crash Magic displays the wrong report or Unhandled error in Silverlight


When a user has been on Crash Magic for a while they may notice that the wrong report is displaying, changes that they make to a report do not display or they may receive an Unhandled error in Silverlight


This issue is seen due to the browsers cache. When a user logs into Crash Magic the Crash Magic server creates a session for the user. In this session files for reports that are displayed to the user are created. As reports are manipulated and refreshed new files are generated with a number added to the name of the report(Example diagram_0001.xaml). When creating a new report Crash Magic checks for the first report name. If the file name is found Crash Magic will increment to the next file name until a file name can be created that does not already exist. Example if diagram_0001.xaml exists Crash Magic will check for diagram_0002.xaml.

Crash Magic will then clean up old reports by deleting them after they have been kept longer than the user session time out(The default for this timeout is 20 minutes) or when the user logs out of Crash Magic and ends their session. The problem occurs when the web browser caches old reports. For example Crash Magic will delete report diagram_0001.xaml after the report has been has been kept passed the user session time out. However the clients web browser stores a copy of the file in the cache. When the user calls the report again Crash Magic will create a new diagram_0001.xaml, but the web browser will display a copy of the old cached report because the name matches the new report name. 


Crash Magic version and older creates unique report names to display. This prevents the browser from cache from using old names.

Clients that have earlier versions of Crash Magic can set their browser cache to require their browser refresh the page. Here is how to set this for IE 9:

  1. Open the Crash Magic web site
  2. In the browser click on the Tools button of the browser in the upper right corner
  3. Select Internet options
  4. Under the General tab click on the Settings button under the Browsing history section of the window
  5. Check the Radio button Every time I visit the web page for Check for newer versions of stored pages:
  6. Click the OK button to close the Temporary Internet Files and History Settings
  7. Click the OK button to close the Internet Options window
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