MagicAuto performance issue identified.


Pd’ Programming has identified a potential problem in the MagicAuto processing in Crash Magic Online. We are investigating and will post a knowledgebase article as soon as we have isolated it. The problem does not affect data accuracy. It is a performance issue that may affect users of Crash Magic Online when using the MagicAuto feature to call the program from a 3rd party application.


The problem is a performance issue that could cause lengthy delays when anyone is using the MagicAuto functionality. (i.e. Map Magic plugin for ArcGIS)  The delays may be experienced by any user of Crash Magic Online while another user is creating a new diagram using MagicAuto.

The problem we’ve identified involves the way in which MS SQL Server handles table locking when using transactions.  Crash Magic Online opens a “transaction” when preparing to create an automated report using MagicAuto.  That transaction “wraps” the use of several tables in the system.  Once this transaction is begun those tables appear to become unavailable for other users until the transaction is “committed”.  Since some of those tables are integral to the use of the program, it may become impossible to navigate Crash Magic until the MagicAuto diagram request is completed.

At this time, it does not appear that installations using Oracle’s SQL server will experience this problem.


We are currently working on both short term and long term fixes for this problem and we will keep you posted.  You do not need to take any action at this time, and you may continue to use the program as you have been.

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